Surviving the Loss of a Loved One

Video Transcript:

Losing a loved one is devastating and without the right help and support, dealing with that loss can be paralyzing.

One of my clients came to me knowing her husband would not survive his terminal illness. When she asked for my help, I could see in her eyes just how overwhelming her life had quickly become. She chose to take charge of her situation and surround herself with experts who would help in this time of loss and confusion.

Preparing for a tragedy like this is so difficult, but the risk of not having a plan is even greater.

Taking that first step is a huge part of the battle.

I encourage all my clients to do these three things:

  1. First of all, breathe. Allow yourself time to grieve and don’t rush into any big decisions.
  2. Secondly, grow your support group. Surround yourself with family and friends. You need a safe and healing environment to start gaining perspective.
  3. Finally, talk with professionals. Not only can they give their objective opinion, a fiduciary advisor will watch out for your best interest when you’re not able to.


Like in the story I talked about, we were able to sit down with my client and her family. Together, we helped her to prioritize the things that needed to be taken care of immediately, made sure she understood her strategy going forward, and relieved the burden of making big financial decisions.

Our work is about providing peace of mind, time to grieve and heal, and making sure you are prepared for the future.


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