Oct 26 2022Client Newsletter 4Q22
2022 has been a momentous year! It reminded us that investments do not just travel in one upward direction. Here's how we see things near and longer term...
Jul 19 2022Client Newsletter 3Q22In April , I shared my thoughts and predictions that 2022 would be a difficult year. Let’s jump in and see what’s changed since the second quarter...
Apr 13 2022Client Newsletter 2Q22Happy Spring! In our 2Q22 Newsletter, we discuss 2022, ways you can protect your family in inflationary times, our latest investment, and upcoming changes..
Jan 27 2022Client Newsletter 1Q222021 was another good year in the markets, but 2022 might be different. Here is our outlook for the year and a few changes you might want to know about...
Oct 21 2021Client Newsletter 4Q21We're headed into the 4th quarter...Let's look at new investment strategies, address inflation, and speculate what’s to come after the holiday season...
Jul 26 2021Client Newsletter 3Q21A lot has changed since my last newsletter. Let’s jump into an investment update, an economic bubble, and some talk about taxes...
Apr 28 2021Client Newsletter 2Q21Here's a quick investment update, why taxes matter, what we are doing to help clients like you, and what steps you might consider to alleviate taxes...
Jan 28 2021Client Newsletter 1Q21In my January newsletter, I share a brief recap of 2020, how you can benefit from engaging with us, and what we're looking out for in 2021...
Oct 20 2020Client Newsletter 4Q20Several of our clients made the hard decision to leave assisted living or accept forced early retirement. They asked for our help, here's what we did...