Jul 20 2020Client Newsletter 3Q20
So much has happened since January. Read my latest newsletter for an update on what we're doing and our strategy going forward...
Apr 23 2020Client Newsletter 2Q20Our lives have changed dramatically over the last few weeks. We have made adjustments to how we invest your money and help you plan for the future...
Jan 20 2020Client Newsletter 1Q20We had an incredible 2019, but will that create some unhealthy financial habits? Read Petr's thoughts on 2019 and what to look forward to in 2020.
Oct 10 2019Client Newsletter 4Q19When your world suddenly turns upsidedown, you realize how important planning is. Read Petr's letter to find out what happened this summer...
Jul 11 2019Client Newsletter 3Q19In this newsletter, Petr shares some exciting things to come in the months ahead and reviews this last quarter (particularly tax season).
Apr 9 2019Client Newsletter 2Q19In my last quarterly letter, I talked about the value of having a written Financial Plan. I urge you to get a written plan and keep it up-to-date...
Jan 16 2019Client Newsletter 1Q19Here's a review of what we did for you in 2018 and some things to look forward to in 2019. Read why we are recomending a strategic fiancial plan this year!
Oct 8 2018Client Newsletter 4Q18You now can access a host of educational material on your finances and life through our new website. Come learn more what awaits you.
Jul 9 2018Client Newsletter 3Q18We are constantly making changes and improvements to serve our clients better. Check out our client newsletter to stay up-to-date with Ambassador Wealth.