At a crossroads: which is better: to retire with zero debt or a million bucks?

Which is Better: Savings or No Debt?

I recently met with a new client who was preparing for retirement. During our meeting, they asked, “Which is better: to retire with a million dollars in the bank or to have no debt?” That’s a fair question, but also a complicated one. Many of you might be able to relate to this situation: your  Read more ➝

SECURE Act of 2019

How SECURE Should We Feel about DC’s New Tax Laws?

In the last weeks of 2019, congress passed numerous new laws that have investors scratching their heads. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act fall into that very category. So, what’s the good, the bad and the ugly of the SECURE Act? Let’s find out! PROS: 1.      Now you can contribute to  Read more ➝


Contributing to Your IRA by April 15 Could Lower Your 2019 Tax Bill

The tax deadline is quickly approaching. Are you looking to lower your 2019 tax bill? Contributing to your IRA by April 15th could lower your tax bill for 2019. The annual contribution limits for IRAs (both traditional and Roth) for 2019 is $6,000 for any working individual under the age of 50. Those over the  Read more ➝


Client Newsletter 1Q20

Dear Ambassador Family, I hope you enjoyed a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! In 2019, I saw great success stories in our client’s lives. I want to congratulate those who invested in themselves to confidently walk into the next chapter of their lives. We have families who: Retired successfully Paid off their debts  Read more ➝

jar of coins tipped over

How can I make meaningful resolutions that will help my family?

The holidays are over and Donna has yet to announce her “new year, new me” resolutions. Donna wants more than a good workout routine for her family; she wants to make sure they are financially secure. Can you relate? It’s not easy to make financial resolutions, but with the right plan, Donna (and you) can  Read more ➝