Client Newsletter 1Q23
Dear Ambassador Family, I hope you enjoyed a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Let’s dive right in and look at the first quarter of 2023. Our Strategy is Defensive As we enter 2023, for now we continue with a cautious bent. The bulls believe the Fed will relent on hiking interest rates in Read more ➝

What’s the Secret to Investing?
Ah, secrets. Possibly the most intriguing word in the English language. Especially with investing. I mean, if we all knew the secret to investing, we’d be richer than Warren Buffet, am I right? Jokes aside, the “secret” is often disappointing. True investing success boils down to hard work and patience, or what I like to Read more ➝

Client Newsletter 1Q21
Dear Ambassador Family, I hope you enjoyed a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Our office is looking forward to what this new year will bring. Quick Recap of 2020 A quick glance at your December statement might give you the impression that 2020 was smooth sailing. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Do Read more ➝

Client Newsletter 2Q20
Dear Ambassador Family, I hope this letter finds you well during these difficult times. This isn’t the spring we were all looking forward to, but we are thankful that Washington is trying to manage the spread of COVID-19. We look forward to the next several weeks and months as this crisis begins to subside and Read more ➝

Separating Emotions from Investing is Key to Surviving Coronavirus.
These last few weeks have been a roller coaster. We have been talking to you about what we’re doing and what you can do in this time of uncertainty. We’re encouraging everyone: don’t let fear rule your finances. Many of you have developed a financial plan to achieve successful retirements and we’re very thankful that Read more ➝

Client Newsletter 4Q19
Client Newsletter 4th Quarter 2019 Getting Ready for the Holidays Letter from the President: Petr Burunov, CFP® Dear Ambassador Family, This summer was a whirlwind. On July 9th, I received a heartbreaking call from my family in Sacramento. My cousin was in a fatal motorcycle accident. Passing away at the young age of 38, he Read more ➝

Stop Emotion from Shortchanging Your Investments
So how can constant screen gazing ruin your financial well-being? Simply put, screen junkies let their emotions ruin their money and their lives: Sloppiness Screen junkies live by “analysis by paralysis”. They might think they know it all, but they cannot make a strategic decision for a holistic plan with their current and future wealth. Read more ➝