Don’t Wait to Start Your Year-End Financial Planning

August tends to be “nap-time” for most Americans. Work at the office might not be as busy, families are slowly making their way home from vacations, and kids are getting ready to head back to school. This makes August a stellar time to work on your finances. My advice? Don’t put it off until December.  Read more ➝

What’s the Secret to Investing?

Ah, secrets. Possibly the most intriguing word in the English language. Especially with investing. I mean, if we all knew the secret to investing, we’d be richer than Warren Buffet, am I right? Jokes aside, the “secret” is often disappointing. True investing success boils down to hard work and patience, or what I like to  Read more ➝

magazine of the stock market and investments update

Investment Newsletter 2Q19

An Update on Our View of the World   After one of the worst quarters in a couple of years, risk assets recovered strongly in 1q19.  Stocks, commodities, and bonds, for the most part, posted positive gains.  Possible reasons include: Continued strong corporate profits especially in the US Economic growth in US still positive though weaker  Read more ➝


Not All Income Is Equal Because of Taxes: 3 Types of Income

The Declaration of Independence declares that all people are created equal. That is not true about income coming from investments. Many of your neighbors forget this fact to their detriment. One of the major problems people often do not understand is taxes. You can reduce different types of income with different levels of taxation. Be  Read more ➝